Spotlight on one of Karaoke Versie's own: Michel

With instruments strewn around his house and a lineage of musicians, it isn't a surprise that Karaoke Versie's very own interface designer, Michel, plays six instruments! Two to three hours of practice per day along with regular performances for his traditional Irish band, Michel's got music in his blood.

Here, he shares some tips he's learned over the years.

What is your role at Karaoke Versie?

Globally, I take care of the interfaces. New buttons, new pages, making the site better...if it has to do with any of that, I’m probably not far away!

What instrument(s) do you play?

Well… Guitar, flute, bouzouki, drums, trombone, piano. But more “seriously” the first three.

When did you begin?

Ever since I was little! I started learning music very early and always had some kind of instrument at the house.

Why did you start playing?

It’s difficult to know why exactly one starts playing an instrument. Curiosity, and maybe the fact that there were instruments all around the house growing up, that really gave me an interest. My grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts are all musicians, so it natural that it falls to me.

What are your favorite songs to play?

Any major influences that got you started playing?

Mainly instrumental musicians, not really any singers. The guitarist Tommy Emmanuel and Matt Molloy on flute, Eric Legnini on piano… There are so many!

What’s a typical mistake that you see being made amongst musicians?

To think that you can get better without any effort. It’s not really a big secret: regular practice is key! I practice between 2-3 hours per day, and at a certain point it pays off!

Any advice for a beginner?

Don’t get discouraged and start simple. Listen to things a lot, get inspired and try to imitate what you hear and then adapt in order to create your own style.

How often and for how long do you practice?

Between 2 and 3 hours a day, almost every day.

Any practicing tips?

In order to be efficient I do both my technical exercises and then I work on the different pieces. It’s important to put them together in order to progress and have fun.

How do you find a balance between your passion for music and outside obligations?

I think that free time is just a question of priorities. Not having time is actually not dedicating the time. For the moment, I’m concentrating on practicing rather than other activities as it allows me to progress. But perhaps down the road my priorities will change.

Do you perform in public? Tips?

Yes, I play in a trio. Advice, hmmmm, don’t underestimate the importance of playing on stage. A concert is not only artistic and musical technique, it is also (and especially) an experience. Don’t neglect the interludes, the story behind the songs, the group, the venue…

Anything else?

Yes, a personal project: a site to slowdown YouTube vidéos in order to learn an instrument,! ;)

Next month: JF, our sound expert and all around musician.
Previous months: Alex (guitar), Noémie (drums).

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